

Using the Road of Cultural Revitalization to Convey the Chinese Dream with Sound


Creation time


Exhibition Area


Number of exhibits

The World Museum of Music and Culture is the first museum in China and even Asia to integrate Chinese and Western music cultures, fully funded by young entrepreneur Mr. Zhang Jingxuan. It is also the first national level music and cultural themed museum in China.
The total construction area is 5000 square meters, with an exhibition area of 3000 square meters. It is a national level demonstration base for excellent music culture industry projects, a demonstration base for cultural and technological integration in Liaoning Province, a science popularization education base in Liaoning Province, and a demonstration base for culture industry in Liaoning Province.

The museum is divided into eight major theme exhibitions: Ethnic Music and Culture Exhibition Area, Western Music and Culture Exhibition Area, Organ and Piano Exhibition Area, Eight Music Boxes and Phonographs Exhibition Area, Musicians and Records Exhibition Area, Radio Exhibition Area, Sound Technology Experience and Cultural Creation Exhibition Area, Patriotic Education Exhibition Area, etc. The museum has a collection of over 12000 treasures of Chinese and Western music culture and art, as well as over 300000 classic music records. Among them, there are over 800 representative cultural relics of global music culture, fully presenting the development process of world music culture and sound recording and dissemination equipment.


Looking forward to future collaborative development

Cultural and Museum

Building an exchange oriented museum that co builds and coexists with the city

Museums that communicate the past and future of regional culture and are open to the world

A museum that serves contemporary youth and grows together with them

+ More+

Culture industry

Building an exchange oriented museum that co builds and coexists with the city

Museums that communicate the past and future of regional culture and are open to the world

A museum that serves contemporary youth and grows together with them

+ More+

Cultural and tourism

Building an exchange oriented museum that co builds and coexists with the city

Museums that communicate the past and future of regional culture and are open to the world

A museum that serves contemporary youth and grows together with them

+ More+
招商咨询 招商咨询

Culture and Technology

Building an exchange oriented museum that co builds and coexists with the city

Museums that communicate the past and future of regional culture and are open to the world

A museum that serves contemporary youth and grows together with them

+ More+

Cultural performance

Building an exchange oriented museum that co builds and coexists with the city

Museums that communicate the past and future of regional culture and are open to the world

A museum that serves contemporary youth and grows together with them

+ More+

International Exchange

Building an exchange oriented museum that co builds and coexists with the city

Museums that communicate the past and future of regional culture and are open to the world

A museum that serves contemporary youth and grows together with them

招商咨询 招商咨询

Collection Exchange

Building an exchange oriented museum that co builds and coexists with the city

Museums that communicate the past and future of regional culture and are open to the world

A museum that serves contemporary youth and grows together with them


Cultural and Museum

Culture industry

Cultural and Tourism

Culture and Technology

Cultural performance

International Exchange

Collection Exchange

Large consumption

Eight exhibition areas

Ethnic Music and Culture Exhibition Area

The National Music and Culture Museum is set against the backdrop of the mural "Tang Music and Dance Embroidery Painting" (a modern remake), which is displayed through a review of the 5000 year cultural "music" of the Chinese nation. Starting from the Neolithic era, which has not yet been recorded in writing, simple instruments were made from animal bones and fired pottery, and entering the Xia Shang slave society,

Western Music and Culture Exhibition Area

The basic exhibition of the Western Music Culture Museum reviews the development process of Western music culture, starting from medieval music in the 5th century, going through the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic periods, and even the 20th century music, fully showcasing the Western civilization presented in the music culture chapter!

Organ and Piano Exhibition Area

A large number of precious organs and pianos, leading everyone to understand the stories behind organs and pianos and the cultural atmosphere of the society at that time.

Exhibition area for music boxes and phonographs

Exhibition area for music boxes and phonographs

Musicians and Records Exhibition Area

Musicians and Records Exhibition Area

Radio exhibition area

Radio exhibition area

Sound Technology Experience and Cultural and Creative Exhibition Area

The exhibition hall has many museum original wooden music boxes, crystal ball music boxes, etc., which are good choices as souvenirs or letters and have great commemorative significance.

Patriotic Education Exhibition Area

Patriotic Education Exhibition Area


JOHN BROADWOOD 约翰·布鲁德伍德九尺大三角钢琴




Real development

Leading Care


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